How to Upload WAEC or NECO Result on JAMB Portal 2024 and the Closing Date

Uploading of WAEC, NECO and NABTEB Result on JAMB Portal 2024/2025 has commence. Read the steps on how to Upload your O’level Result on JAMB Portal and the closing date here.

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) requires candidates to upload their O’level results on the JAMB portal. This process does not exclude the Direct Entry candidates because they must also input their result.

Kindly know that, failure to upload the O’level result on the JAMB portal may affect a candidate admission into their desired institutions.

Also, candidates are advised to ensure that they meet all the requirements and upload their O’level result on the JAMB portal. Below are the requirements for uploading O’level results.

  • Candidates are required to have a minimum of five credits in their O’level results including Mathematics and English Language.
  • Candidates must have their O’level result in either WAEC, NECO, NABTEB or any other recognized examination body.
  • Candidates are required to scan and upload their O’level result on the JAMB portal. The scanned result should be in either JPEG or PNG format and should not be more than 200KB.
  • The name on the O’level result should correspond with the name used for JAMB registration.

How to Upload O Level Result on JAMB Portal

To upload your WAEC or NECO result on JAMB portal, follow these steps below.

  1. Log-in to your JAMB profile portal
  2. Click on the icon ‘Check Admission Status,
  3. Click on the icon ‘Access my CAPS’
  4. Click on ‘My O’level result to be sure whether you have upload your NECO or WAEC result.

If you haven’t done that, visit any nearby accredited JAMB CBT centre or JAMB office to upload your O’level result. Admission cannot be processed for candidates whose O’level status in CAPS indicates ‘Awaiting Result.


How to Register and Login to JAMB CAPS Portal with Registration Number

JAMB Matriculation List Portal

JAMB Uploading of O level Result 2024 Closing Date

The deadline for uploading O’level result on the JAMB portal 2024 is usually communicated by JAMB and candidates are advised to comply with the deadline.

Finally, make sure you upload your result on time and ensure that all the details are correct.

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